Students attend daily Mass at 8:10 a.m. Parents, guardians, and extended families are welcome to join the student body in worship whenever possible.Participation in Mass : Students are taught that active participation at Mass consists in joining the sacrifice of Jesus by the offering of their hearts and lives with Him to the Father in the unity of the Holy Spirit. This is portrayed by singing and responding at Mass with reverence. They will also have opportunities to read at Mass, take up the offertory, serve (altar boys), and lead the singing.

Baptism Mass : On a scheduled day quarterly there will be a special celebration during Mass for all students who were baptized in the recognized months. Parents, guardians and extended families are encouraged to attend this Mass which recognizes the importance of the student’s birth into God’s life.

Holy Days of Obligation are typically days off from school. Parents and guardians are asked to check the church bulletin for the Mass schedule.

Special feast days throughout the year are recognized with activities or treats. The feast of our patron saint, Saint Vincent de Paul, is a special day of celebration.